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Maan (Mark) Hamdan

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ”


Kahlil Gibran

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My Story

Maan (Mark) Hamdan began his career with great zeal and vision, in spite of his limited financial resources. The encouragement of his family and the generosity of donors who funded grants and scholarships gave him the opportunities and the foundation of security to thrive.


Maan worked as a corporate executive in the Telecom industry before pursuing his passion in entrepreneurship in 1994. Hamdan recently founded TrenData, a predictive analytics venture, and the Hexa group of six companies, including global technology provider, TechGenies.  Previous ventures in software included HRsmart, a Human Capital Management software.


Maan knows how to create and develop profitable businesses and with a wealth of hands-on experience in his industry, he has become skilled at leadership and effective management.


Grateful for his successes and those who have supported him, Maan likes to pay it forward. Whether helping to rebuild a public library after it was destroyed by war or donating funds to his alma mater, The American University of Beirut, for a project on solar energy, Maan finds ways to give back.


Education Unbound is just the latest of Maan’s efforts to provide young people with the tools they need for better education and future. Through financing and programming, Education Unbound will connect students in rural and underfunded communities to new technologies, sciences, and the arts.


Maan received his B.E.E. in computer systems engineering from the American University in Beirut and an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin.

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2100 N. Greenville Ave, Suite 119
Richardson, Texas 75080


Education Unbound is a Tax Exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3)

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