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Meet The board

Lou E. Pelton

Lou E. Pelton, Ph.D.

LOU E. PELTON (Ph.D., University of Mississippi) is NextGen Senior Fellow and Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and Logistics at the University of North Texas. Dr. Pelton’s principal research interests include marketing channels, relationship marketing, and international distribution.

    Maan Mark Hamdan

    Maan (Mark) Hamdan

    MAAN (MARK) HAMDAN has been at the helm of several companies, after working first as a general manager and a sales executive. Hamdan co-founded TechGenies, a global technology company, in 2015, after previous ventures with software companies HR Technology and HRsmart. Education Unbound is just the latest of Maan’s efforts to provide young people with the tools they need for a better education and future. Maan received his B.E.E. in computer systems engineering from the American University in Beirut and an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin.

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    Joseph Hajjar

    Joseph Hajjar

    JOSEPH HAJJAR is a seasoned entrepreneur, a philanthropist, an activist and nature junky born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Joe founded, owned, and operated A-Tex Pools Inc. at age 22, ultimately selling the retail swimming pool business he grew to five locations in 2000 and becoming semi-retired. Since then, Joe has pursued a passion for travel and new real estate ventures. He brings this natural relationship building to his work mentoring elementary school students with Junior Achievement Austin. Joe also holds a Lifetime Texas Teaching Certificate to teach business and history. He earned his BA in Marketing from St. Edwards University.

      adriana contreras

      Adriana Contreras, Ph.D.

      Adriana Contreras is an International Attorney and Human Resources Professional, experienced in the US and Latin America with 18+ years of experience in Corporate, Commercial, and Business Law, Trademarks, Contracts, Mergers, and Acquisitions.

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      Weeda Hamdan.png

      Weeda Shoujah Hamdan

      Weeda Hamdan is a fine artist, graphic designer, and philanthropist born in Liberia to Lebanese parents. Exposed to a mix of cultures and traditions, Liberia, Spain, and Lebanon, throughout her childhood, Weeda's work reflects the complex texture of life as well as its richness.







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      klyne smith

      Klyne Smith, Ph.D.

      R. KLYNE SMITH is a senior executive with 25+ years experience in the IT software and telecom industries. He specializes in strategic leadership, business strategies, project management, risk management and service delivery. Dr. Klyne is currently the Regional Manager of the Americas at TRT and a lecturer at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas.  






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